CAFE MOJO MUNDARING Job Opening – Barista Looking for a Barista Position – we have one! Please tell us a bit about yourself. ABOUT YOU Email or Phone Full Name When would you be available to start? When would you be available to start? Inmediate. 1 week notice. 2 weeks notice. Specific Date (see next field). Availbility Date ABOUT YOUR EXPERIENCE At your last place how much kilo's did you do per day? At your last place how much kilo's did you do per day? Less than 2 kilo's Between 2 and 5 Kilo's More than 5 kilo's I don't reallly know How many years have you been working in the coffee industry? How many years have you been working in the coffee industry? Less than 6 months 6 months to 2 years 2 to 5 years Forever ABOUT YOU AS A BARISTA What are your favourite speciality coffee drinks to make, and why? What are some of your strengths as a barista? What's the extent of your knowledge and interest in coffee culture? ABOUT YOUR BARISTA KNOWLEDGE What are a barista's main duties and responsibilities? What is the last task of the day for a barista? What is the last task of the day for a barista? Switch the coffee machine off. Empty the hopper. Switch the lights off. Hose down the coffee machine. Mop the floor. Clock of from your shift. How do you handle the fast-paced work of a barista? How do you handle the fast-paced work of a barista? I clean up more often. I make sure I am prepared. I put my head down and work faster. I call my manager. I tell customers I am really busy. I ask my team mates to help. What is the most important skill a good barista has? ABOUT YOUR COFFEE KNOWLEDGE What is the difference beyween a flat white, latte and long mac topped up. What would you consider the Golden Ratio? At your last place what was the coffee recipe? Please correct mistake. John ordered a expresso from the lovely smiling barista. ABOUT YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE What's your approach to customer service? What is your main reason for wanting to work with the famous Cafe Mojo Mundaring? IN CLOSURE Anyhting to add? Plesase mention it here. SEND MESSAGE